On Wednesday (2024-12-11), the Nasdaq rose above 20,000 points, with an annual increase of over 33%, while the S&P and the Dow rose by 27% and 17% respectively. The Big Seven collectively rose, with Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta and Tesla all hitting intraday record highs."Historical Opportunity: US Stocks" Link Address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/240686453? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152"US stocks have reached a turning point" link address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/256689492? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152
Boss S&P 500ETF(513500) and its corresponding OTC fund are Boss S&P 500 Connection A(050025)."What do you buy now? Link address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/266118016? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152On Wednesday (2024-12-11), the Nasdaq rose above 20,000 points, with an annual increase of over 33%, while the S&P and the Dow rose by 27% and 17% respectively. The Big Seven collectively rose, with Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta and Tesla all hitting intraday record highs.
For the method of allocating US stocks written in the past, see the following article:Have you seized the once-in-10-year opportunity that US stocks hit a new high? 》Huaan Nasdaq 100ETF link A(040046),